About Us
The Vietnamese Family Autism Advisory Board (VFAAB) is a coalition of families, passionate community members, and medical and support service providers formed in 2017 to support families of children with developmental delays in the Vietnamese community.
The Board seeks to be a resource to families and community members, assisting people to connect to therapeutic and support services across the care system and educating the community about autism and developmental delay. The goal of the coalition is to strengthen the community and the medical/educational system to promote an environment where families and children of all abilities are treasured and thriving.
Our Mission
To create an inclusive community of support for Vietnamese families of children with ASD/DD and the people who care for them.
To raise awareness and decrease the stigma of ASD in the Vietnamese community.
To equip medical and therapeutic providers to better care for Vietnamese families with ASD.
VFAAB is committed to supporting the Vietnamese community by:
Holding monthly meetings to promote community connection between parents and their children and medical and allied health service providers, and provide space for parents to share their life experiences and challenges.
Writing articles and creating videos in Vietnamese to help the community learn more about Autism and developmental delay, the struggles families face, how to recognize developmental delay, and where to go if a parent is concerned it might be affecting their child.
Supporting knowledge of early parenting approaches for children with delays through in-person training with field experts. Teach parents and other caregivers strategies to create supportive home environments and manage difficult behaviors.
Improving the referral process and experience for Vietnamese children with suspected delay to get needed evaluation and services.