Cultural Perspectives of Developmental Disabilities in the Vietnamese Community in King County, Washington State – Sharing event

We want to thank everyone for this past year that participated in the community focus groups/interviews on cultural perspectives on developmental delay and reviewing the MCHAT-R screening tool. Your feedback and attitudes are much needed to bring our community together and help our friends/family/providers care for individuals with disabilities.

With the start of the new year, we want to continue engaging others in making a change with a sharing event on what we’ve learned and compiled.

This session goes towards allowing every baby born in King County to have proper early childhood development and safe, healthy communities that reinforce progress.

Anyone who wasn’t able to attend these focus groups can still participate in this event. We need all Vietnamese-speaking members of all ages and walks of life. Continual community feedback is much needed towards alleviating health and wellness disparities.


New Hope in Old Appalachia