Bi-Weekly Parent-Support Gatherings

Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month we are virtually gathering parents together to share useful information and our personal experiences so that we are able to support one another as we overcome the challenges of the pandemic.

Family Resources

General Resources

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention

The CDC has a robust dashboard with information on symptoms and testing as well as cases and statistics. It is frequently updated with new research.

King County

Stay up to date on COVID resources, testing sites, and more that is specific to King County. 

The Washington State Department of Health

The WA DOH is a helpful resource for finding COVID related information specific to your community. Information is also available in a number of different languages.

King County COVID-19 Community Resources

Find resources and programs that help residents significantly impacted by COVID-19.

Housing Programs - King County Housing Authority

School/Childcare Resources

King County School and Child Care Information

COVID-19 Screening Checklist

Use this helpful checklist in the morning before taking your child to daycare or school.

Back to School Planning Checklist - CDC

Download both in-person and virtual back to school checklists to help plan, prepare, and adjust to the different learning environments.

Provider Resources

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

The CDC has a robust dashboard with information on symptoms and testing as well as cases and statistics.

Washington State Medical Association

The WSMA offers COVID related guidance on telehealth, reimbursements, testing, PPE, and more.

King County

Stay up to date on COVID resources, testing sites, the statistic dashboards more that is specific to King County. 

The American Academy of Pediatrics

AAP offers clinical guidance in response to COVID as well as many helpful advocacy resources.

The Washington State Department of Health

The WA DOH is a helpful resource for finding COVID related information specific to your community in a number of different languages.

The World Health Organization

WHO offers resources about COVID on a global level. View information on research and development, response, travel , and more.