CME Provider Toolkit

Supporting Autism in the Vietnamese Community

A Collaborative Approach

Hosted February 29th, 2020

- Reviewed autism screening with the MCHAT-R in Vietnamese

- Identified tools and resources available for families of children with disabilities

Informing Families Resource Folder


The Informing Families website is an excellent resource for providers and families and covers an array of topics that spans across a person’s life expectancy, in over 100 languages.  The Informing Families folder is filled with wonderful resources offered in the State of Washington for those with developmental disabilities.  At HopeCentral we give this folder out to every newly diagnosed autism patient at our office.


Request a copy of the Resource Folder Here



WithinReach is an organization that helps families understand and apply for state benefits as well as learn more about resources: food stamps, WIC, local food banks, free or low cost health insurance, child development services, immunization and breastfeeding resources.  

Family Health Hotline: 1(800) 322-2588


King County Referral Guide Overview


The King County Referral Guide is provided by our Best Starts for Kids consultant and lists resources available for Learning and Development, Autism evaluations, Family Support and Advocacy, Childcare or Preschool options, Counseling for Families, Parents/caregivers, Basic needs, Baby needs, Housing support and importantly a 24 Hours Crisis Line. 

King County Referral Guide

Developmental Bridge Pilot Program


This is a relatively new program for Seattle children ages birth through 3 years and acts as a bridge to help those who don’t qualify for Early Intervention/Birth to 3 Services but have a developmental concern or a family member with a disability.  It is also for children ages 3 to 4 who have transitioned out of Early Intervention/Birth to Three services and need short-term developmental services and help connecting to ChildFind or next steps.

Learn More and How to Connect to a Bridge Provider

Early Supports for Infants & Toddlers (ESIT) Programs


ESIT as it is known, provides services for infants and children up to age 3 with developmental delays. Referrals can be made by a provider or can be a self referral. These early intervention services make a difference for a child's future and contribute to better outcomes.  Prior to the COVID-19 restrictions, this personalized support took place in the home, childcare facility or other community settings.

ESIT Referral Form

Community First Choice (CFC) Services


Community First Choice Services is a Washington Apple Health state plan benefit that offers personal care. CFC enables agencies and its contracted entities to deliver person-centered home and community based long-term services and supports to Medicaid-eligible people who meet the institutional level of care under Washington Administrative Code (WAC).  The CFC informational handout lists Core benefits such as Relief Care and Enhanced Benefits such as Assistive Technology. 

CFC Informational Handout

Medical Necessity Letter


As medical providers, we have the privilege of sharing life's challenges with our patients and their families.  More than ever, especially during the COVID-19 global pandemics, our vulnerable youth are at increased risk for harm as stress increases in households due to growing economic concerns, close living quarters and disruptions in routine structures that lead to instability.  During the pandemic, we can advocate for our patients, providing an additional safety net for those at-risk youths. It is imperative for us to remain vigilant on behalf of our patients since there are fewer staff and resources available due to the COVID-19 social distancing.  One way to advocate is to write medical necessity letters for our patients for the resources they need.

Tips on How to Write a Medical Necessity Letter

School District Accommodation Letter


During the COVID-19 pandemic, we can be a resource for parents.  One way to do this is to write a letter to the school district for school accommodations.  Since schools have transitioned to remote learning, it is easier for students with special needs to struggle with the new learning structures.  As a medical provider you can advocate for the students by writing a letter to the school district and call for appropriate accommodations. 

Handout with Helpful Tips for Writing a School Accommodation Letter


ABA Checklists


See the two handouts attached below. One goes through a flow chart for checking in with your patient-family about receiving ABA therapy.  The other one is helpful as it provides a checklist for Medicaid coverage.

ABA Flow Chart

Medicaid Coverage

ASD Annual Questionnaire


This questionnaire can be used at every ASD follow-up visit.  It helps doctors know what the parent would like to cover in the visit.

ASD Annual Questionnaire

Individual and Family Services (IFS)


If you have a patient that is a client of the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) and is not receiving a paid service, your patient may be eligible to receive services and support through the IFS waiver.  Family income is not considered as the financial eligibility determination is based on the individual's income.

IFS Informational Handout

HopeCentral Pediatrics and Behavioral Health


HopeCentral Pediatrics and Behavioral Health is a community-based, non-profit clinic in SE Seattle, serving children from birth to 18 years old with pediatric primary care, integrated behavioral health, and autism diagnostic services.  HopeCentral serves the diverse communities in Rainier Valley, reserving 50% of their patient capacity for patients with Apple Health (Medicaid).  As an Autism Center of Excellence, they provide autism diagnostic services for children on Medicaid in many languages. The community health team is particularly equipped to serve the Vietnamese community with resources to support families of children with disabilities through a community organization called VFAAB, the Vietnamese Family Autism Advisory Board.

HopeCentral Primary Care Brochure

HopeCentral Autism Services Brochure